Antisocial (media)

I find I am not alone in choosing to avoid news/social media for the next day or two. I see others on Facebook explaining that they will be back in a couple of days. I am still perusing Facebook to see artwork and friends’ news, but I am not engaging in any election posts nor am I posting them myself.

Today was dad’s appointment for his testosterone shot. He needed a transport chair, he was shaky. He likes visiting with the nurse.

This afternoon was Parkinson’s Zoom meeting. I got dad set up and then took my daughter to the post office so she could mail some packages. After that we went to Aldi’s for a few things. Grandson wanted a happy meal, so we stopped and got one although he did not eat much of it when we got home.

I used my new stand mixer to mix up a chocolate cake for dad’s birthday tomorrow. We are going to see if we can get a cake from a local bakery, but if they can’t do it at least I will have a cake for him. He doesn’t know what he wants for dinner.

I’ve been watching more Hoarders shows. It makes me want to clean out my house but then I remember I have no energy and I just clean the kitchen. I’m still playing the Redecor game. It’s losing some of its newness and is not as fun as it was when I started but it is still enjoyable. I have a couple of ebooks that I can read if I just choose to read. My focus is less than optimal lately.

DD and son in law had a disappointment today – they finally decided on a car and were putting a deposit down on it when the dealer said someone else had bought it. Oh, and the hamster they got from a person on Facebook marketplace appears to be pregnant. Par for the course in 2020. I hope our luck changes this week.


The theme for the week is waiting. Waiting for the election to be over and hoping for calm in the wake. Waiting to see if our kitty can be released from confinement in her small area (and hoping she stops sleeping in her litter box.) Tuesday is voting day and dad’s 90th birthday. Friday is our kitty’s vet appointment.

It’s going to be a busy week, with appointments every day. I’m trying not to think about politics because my anxiety level is high. I’m not planning on watching any of my daytime MSNBC shows tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to Sam’s Club to pick up a prescription and my new toy – a Kitchenaid stand mixer. It’s the 5 quart one with a bowl that raises and lowers rather than the kind where the top tilts. It’s a heavy thing, that’s for sure. I’m hoping to make some bread using the kneading hook. I cleared off the counter and am getting rid of the toaster oven so I have space for it. I hope that others in the family will also get some use out of it.

I’ve been pretty low today. I feel like I’m weighed down and surrounded by a dark cloud. One bright spot was a message from my son’s best friend, who is originally from Vietnam and recently moved from Pittsburg to LA with his wife. He’s going to send a card and a package for dad’s birthday. He’s such a nice person. He’s like part of our extended family, since he and our son have been friends for about 10 years.

Daylight savings time ended last night, so I suppose I should get to bed. It’s really 12:30 for my body. This switching is crazy.

Deep breath.