Feeling stronger

Tonight one of the baby hamsters was outside of the nest. We don’t know if he/she got out on their own, or if somehow mama hamster dug it out, but baby looked lost. DD took a toilet roll and scooped baby up and deposited it back in with their siblings. In a few days we will be able to handle them. I have to admit, that little straggler was tugging at my heartstrings. Its coloring is black with white (pink) feet.

I’m feeling a lot better than I was a few days ago. It must have been some virus. You don’t know how good you are feeling until you spend a week not feeling good. After I finish this post and play my 2 Facebook games, I’m going back up to my craft room and working on clearing some more.

I’m still playing Redecor. I enjoy playing, I just wish I could have more of the “locked” items so I had more choices when I’m decorating. I don’t want to spend lots of money, so I’m thinking about how much money I’m willing to pay to play. I paid $4.99 to get a “Season’s Pass” that gives me more prizes for leveling up. I don’t mind that, since I enjoy the game and the creators should get something. I might spend another $10, or I may just do a second Season’s Pass when this one is done.

Yesterday was a pretty low-key day, so I decided to skip posting. Today was not much more exciting. I did take DD to the post office and visit Aldi (Woo!) and I spent a little over an hour sorting in my craft room. I cooked salmon and broccoli for dinner with optional salad.

Politics are still crazy. Trump still hasn’t conceded. Corona virus is still running rampant without any help for suffering citizens. Senate is still working on Judges. But Biden is proceeding in a conscientious, sane, presidential manner and will be ready with his transition team to take over when January 20, 2021 comes around. He’s gathering people who know what they are doing. It won’t be easy, but I trust that things will be at least more like a normal functioning democracy.