
Today was the beginning of President-elect Biden’s transition. Officially. He has chosen qualified candidates to fill important posts in his administration. I have hope that things may be smoother and less dramatic in the coming yearsf. Hope that the focus will no longer be on a single narcissistic character. I am not feeling as hopeful about the senate and Mitch McConnell, but I’m going to stay with hope for the moment. If I never hear Trump’s whiny, lying voice again it will be too soon.

Dad had a doctor’s appointment today to address his knee and neck pain. The doctor treated it like a six month recheck, which was fine. Of course, she reiterated the fact that his neck and knee pain are arthritic. She is sending him for xrays of his neck and knee, and referred him to orthopedics for possible steroid injection in his knee. She also referred him to dermatology for the red spots on his head. I’m sure he feels good that something is being done. What I’m thinking is that now we will be having to go to a bunch of appointments just as the weather could potentially turn winter.

The little hamsters are growing and healthy. It’s amazing to see them get bigger and more hamster-like. They are adorable. Also very slippery and hard to hold! They are not really a pet like a cat, dog, rabbit or rat. Still, they are fun to watch.

The cleaners came today. I was not impressed with the job they did, and there were 3 of them! Dad and I got back from his appointment just as they were leaving. We got home in time for dad to do his Loud Crowd Zoom, after stopping at Panera for flat bread pizza through the drive through. Neither of us thought it was something we wanted to order again.

DD and I have been playing Redecor on our phones. The app is having a lot of glitches, but it’s fun to play at designing decor for various rooms.

I’m reading a book called All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai. It’s a fun read, involving time travel.

I slept badly last night. I should go to bed… Tomorrow I have my cystoscopy to see if any little cancerous tumors have come back. Fun times.